The zodiac sign Aries, 21st March - 19th April, is ruled by Mars, and naturally rules the 1st House. The Aries symbol is the Ram. Aries Archetypes are the Warrior, the Pioneer and the Daredevil. Aries has the element of Fire, and the polarity Yang, being more outward facing and masculine in energy. Aries tend to attact and even seek out stressful situations, and they thrive on the challenges stress brings.

For them, stress attracts the opportunity for independence, self expression and winning. They are happiest having the freedom to choose the circumstances and events which need courage and prove their strength.

Strengths and Challenges
Aries are strong willed, enthusiastic, independent and fierce, creative and competitive people. Imbued with the element of Fire they love adventure, and as a Cardinal sign take initiative and prefer to be active, rather than passive.

Under pressure the Ram's Warrior Archetype takes the lead, and once they have actively chosen their battle.. nothing stops them winning. They love looking for treasure on the other side of fear, and in this can be a handy friend to hold hands with. Someone to boldly go with you where you might not dare on your own. As the Pioneer, Aries loves a challenge where they are given a task which takes them somewhere new, whether that be a place, position at work or in society. They love being in charge of achieving a team goal whereby a new protocol or system is introduced, and it brings them a sense of 'I did it' satisfaction. As a Daredevil, their natural ability to work through fear, can lead them to exciting places and careers.

Aries and Astrology
Ruled by the planet Mars, they can also be aggressive, overly dominant, and combative where there is no real 'enemy'. As the Ram would suggest, they can keep butting away at a problem until it's solved, with a tenacity making the mountain seem just a hill.

Aries finds down time challenging. Faced with rest and relaxation the Ram prefers to go looking for 'trouble'. As a Warrior, they feel the primal need to be at war with something. Allowing time to 'pass as it will', without every moment and experience becoming an opponent to be overcome, is difficult for this fiery, fearless sign.

They can keep fighting, even when the enemy has packed up and gone home for dinner. Remember no two Aries people are exactly the same. And whilst some of the key words used in pop astrology may indeed be ascribed correctly, best not to rely on generalisations. Your Natal Chart will show where your Aries sign (ruled by the Sun) is placed specifically, as well as the corresponding House.

Other aspects (planets and signs that are geometrically aligned), and many other considerations make up the total sum of a Natal Chart. Aries are those who are full of energy, seem tireless, very willful and quick to make decisions. These folks can also be extremely stubborn and opinionated.

Usually enforcing their thoughts loudly and with gusto. Someone who definitely stands out, is direct and has a keen eye to see through most things. With Aries 'what you see is what you get'. The only challenge is keeping up with them - they go 100km/hr bouncing off the ceiling dragging you with them, if you're willing to go.

Aries and Health
Arian rules face and head, plenty of thinking and acting on it without thinking. With their full on energy and rushing about, Aries need to watch out for head injuries and constant bruises.

Like all signs, exercise is crucial, however they need to exercise the most, to use up all that pent up adrenaline. Being all about the face and head, health issues like sinus and headaches are common. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and this makes them quick to anger, but also big on sex. Sex is very important to them and they tend enjoy it with gusto.

An Aries can be so impatient and quick to anger, giving them heart and blood pressure problems. It is important they learn relaxation or calming techniques, to help them as they get older. Too much salt and alcohol may affect Aries blood vessels and liver. Both need to be avoided or taken in moderation. They do better with cooling foods as they are a fire sign. Plenty of fresh fruits between meals and root vegetables are good for them. Casseroles and stews. Herbal calming teas like Lemon and Chamomile are also good for Aries fire types.

The zodiac sign Aries, 21st March - 19th April, is ruled by Mars, and naturally rules the 1st House. The Aries symbol is the Ram. Aries Archetypes are the Warrior, the Pioneer and the Daredevil. Aries has the element of Fire, and the polarity Yang, being more outward facing and masculine in energy. Aries tend to attact and even seek out stressful situations, and they thrive on the challenges stress brings.

For them, stress attracts the opportunity for independence, self expression and winning. They are happiest having the freedom to choose the circumstances and events which need courage and prove their strength.

Strengths and Challenges
Aries are strong willed, enthusiastic, independent and fierce, creative and competitive people. Imbued with the element of Fire they love adventure, and as a Cardinal sign take initiative and prefer to be active, rather than passive.

Under pressure the Ram's Warrior Archetype takes the lead, and once they have actively chosen their battle.. nothing stops them winning. They love looking for treasure on the other side of fear, and in this can be a handy friend to hold hands with. Someone to boldly go with you where you might not dare on your own. As the Pioneer, Aries loves a challenge where they are given a task which takes them somewhere new, whether that be a place, position at work or in society. They love being in charge of achieving a team goal whereby a new protocol or system is introduced, and it brings them a sense of 'I did it' satisfaction. As a Daredevil, their natural ability to work through fear, can lead them to exciting places and careers.

Aries and Astrology
Ruled by the planet Mars, they can also be aggressive, overly dominant, and combative where there is no real 'enemy'. As the Ram would suggest, they can keep butting away at a problem until it's solved, with a tenacity making the mountain seem just a hill.

Aries finds down time challenging. Faced with rest and relaxation the Ram prefers to go looking for 'trouble'. As a Warrior, they feel the primal need to be at war with something. Allowing time to 'pass as it will', without every moment and experience becoming an opponent to be overcome, is difficult for this fiery, fearless sign.

They can keep fighting, even when the enemy has packed up and gone home for dinner. Remember no two Aries people are exactly the same. And whilst some of the key words used in pop astrology may indeed be ascribed correctly, best not to rely on generalisations. Your Natal Chart will show where your Aries sign (ruled by the Sun) is placed specifically, as well as the corresponding House.

Other aspects (planets and signs that are geometrically aligned), and many other considerations make up the total sum of a Natal Chart. Aries are those who are full of energy, seem tireless, very willful and quick to make decisions. These folks can also be extremely stubborn and opinionated.

Usually enforcing their thoughts loudly and with gusto. Someone who definitely stands out, is direct and has a keen eye to see through most things. With Aries 'what you see is what you get'. The only challenge is keeping up with them - they go 100km/hr bouncing off the ceiling dragging you with them, if you're willing to go.

Aries and Health
Arian rules face and head, plenty of thinking and acting on it without thinking. With their full on energy and rushing about, Aries need to watch out for head injuries and constant bruises.

Like all signs, exercise is crucial, however they need to exercise the most, to use up all that pent up adrenaline. Being all about the face and head, health issues like sinus and headaches are common. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and this makes them quick to anger, but also big on sex. Sex is very important to them and they tend enjoy it with gusto.

An Aries can be so impatient and quick to anger, giving them heart and blood pressure problems. It is important they learn relaxation or calming techniques, to help them as they get older. Too much salt and alcohol may affect Aries blood vessels and liver. Both need to be avoided or taken in moderation. They do better with cooling foods as they are a fire sign. Plenty of fresh fruits between meals and root vegetables are good for them. Casseroles and stews. Herbal calming teas like Lemon and Chamomile are also good for Aries fire types.


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